New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design (Level 4)

Develop your creativity with core courses in Drawing, Painting, Art and Design Practice, and Digital Media giving you the skills to pathway onto further studies such as the New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design (Level 5).

This qualification is a hands-on studio based programme which enables the learner to explore, investigate and develop a range of core skills relating to Art & Design. The New Zealand Certificate aims to provide a strong grounding in a range of art and design media. It is designed for school leavers and/or adults who want to develop their current skills and consider a future pathway into upper level programmes.

You will learn how to:

  • apply for entry level positions within the arts and/or creative industries or higher level study within the art/craft/design disciplines.
  • provide a strong understanding of the Aotearoa New Zealand cultural sector to enhance the creative industries.
  • produce work through applying creative processes in a studio based environment that reflects professional practices and conventions within arts/craft and design contexts.

Programme specific information

This qualification is a hands-on studio based programme which enables the learner to explore, investigate and develop a range of core skills relating to Art & Design.

The NZ Certificate aims to provide a strong grounding in a range of art & design media. It is designed for school leavers &/or adults who want to develop their current skills and consider a future pathway into upper level programmes, cultural and community based initiatives.

Entry Requirements

Open Entry

Further Study Options

New Zealand Diploma in Arts and Design 

Additional Course Related Expenses

New students do not need to purchase materials, laptop, software before the programme starts.  Your Tutors will advise on specific course materials in Week One.  An example of some of the materials you would need are:

  • Unlined Workbook / Visual Diary > 1 per course (A4 size) $35-$55
  • Case with Pencils, Pens, Ruler, Stationery $25-$60
  • Padlock (for Personal Locker) $15-$40
  • Acrylic Paints, Brushes $80-$160
  • Tools > Cutting Knives / Printmaking $50-$80
  • Miscellaneous materials $40-$60
  • Phone with camera is recommended
Renee Ross Cranson Art Student Profile

I came to WITT to learn how to draw and I'll be graduating as an artist, hungry for the next level of study. Decent printmaking facilities, an amazing library, and brilliant tutors, it's a good place to be! I've learned to push my art practice to its limits and enjoy every moment of it.

Renee Ross-Cranson

Arts and Design

Changes for new learners

WITT and this programme are part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more

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Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

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