WITT partners with educational consultants and agents all over the world. We are confident in their knowledge of WITT and studying in New Zealand. Take a look at the map to find an agent near you. If there isn't one, feel free to contact us: international@witt.ac.nz
WITT contracts Recruitment Agents from across the globe to represent WITT, and support international students with their tertiary education choices. WITT requires our agents to meet a high standard of professionalism, integrity, objectivity, transparency and confidentiality.
All agents that represent WITT are required to comply with the principles and standards established in the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code).
In addition, New Zealand is a signatory to the London Statement of Principles. These principles promote best practice among education agents and consultants supporting international students.
The principles require agents and consultants to:
All agents and agencies must comply with the requirements of the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. This includes (but is not limited to) complying with the information privacy principles.
If you have any concerns about a WITT approved agent please let us know in confidence, and we will investigate your concerns and respond quickly. You can contact the WITT international team at: international@witt.ac.nz
If you have any concerns with how your application, enrolment and any other process has been handled by WITT please contact us in the first instance: complaints@witt.ac.nz
If you are not satisfied with the response from WITT then you can gain recourse through the New Zealand Qualification Authorities Dispute Resolution Scheme, or iStudent Complaints process www.istudent.org.nz.
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more
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