New Zealand Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering (Level 4)

Respond to the constantly changing technology in the automotive industry and gain the skills required to safely and effectively diagnose and repair faults that are commonly encountered on light vehicles. You’ll be able to apply this knowledge to cars, light commercial vehicles and light trailers and work as a light automotive engineer.

Technology may be changing but skilled automotive engineers who are tech-savvy and know their way around a vehicle, will continue to be in demand.

Learn how to diagnose car problems, service and repair, and get up to speed with the latest automotive technologies and new generation hi-tech, hi-spec vehicles.

This is a stepping stone towards securing an apprenticeship in industry.

Graduates of this qualification will be able to apply the appropriate precautionary measures when servicing and repairing high risk light automotive systems

Toi Ohomai Te Pukenga logo

Toi Ohomai Te Pūkenga

We deliver this programme on behalf of Toi Ohomai. You must enrol with Toi Ohomai. You will still have access to all of WITT’s campus facilities and support.

You will get plenty of hands-on workshop experience, in our commercial workshop, working on client vehicles. This programme will be a combination of theory and practical components along with a day’s work experience in industry.

Career Options:

  • Light automotive engineer
  • Positions that involve service and repair of light vehicles in a range of workplaces
Jaap Van Zoeren Automotive Student Profile

The pre-trade course (Level 3) gave me the foundation I needed to understand all the basic functions of a motor vehicle. Being around like-minded people all working toward the same goal made our time learning in the workshop more exciting and less of a chore. Taking on the challenge of the Level 4 Automotive Engineering course was the best decision for my career as I have gained an immense amount of knowledge and hands-on experience working on customers' vehicles in our onsite commercial workshop.

The tutors are packed full of knowledge from their own time working in the industry and provide a safe environment to learn effectively. Being a father of two kids, WITT was able to work around my and my children’s needs to achieve my goals. The Kaiwhakawaenga staff in Te Pierre set me up with a Māori Pacific Trades Training scholarship to cover my tools and were always keen to give an extra hand when I needed help. I am now taking on an apprenticeship at a Toyota dealership where I plan to develop myself further and become an expert in my industry. I strongly recommend all with a thirst to succeed, take on the challenge and begin your new career here!

Jaap Van Zoeren

New Zealand Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering (Level 4)


Entry Requirements

  • New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3); or
  • Evidence of equivalent skills and knowledge.
  • Apprentice must be employed in a light automotive engineering workshop.

Additional expenses

Closer to the programme starting, learners will receive a list of course materials to purchase.  Examples of course materials could include textbooks, stationary, printing; uniforms, personal protective equipment, tools and a laptop.

Changes for new learners

WITT and this programme are part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more

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Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

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