Waitara High School welcomes WITT kaimahi

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Waitara High School opened its doors to WITT kaimahi on Tuesday for a mini expo, letting students test their vertical jump, try their hand at putting a chain on a chainsaw, or practice their CPR skills. The mini expo showcased an extensive range of WITT programmes as well as other exhibitors from Pihms, New Zealand Police, Educare and other local businesses.  

Samantha Legge, Marketing and Events Coordinator at WITT, helped organise the event and enjoys getting out in the community to show young people all the opportunities available to them right here in Taranaki.

 "Expos, no matter what size are important to show the wider Taranaki community what is on offer at WITT. You never know what student will find a new passion or their potential future career."

WITT has held similar expos at Spotswood College and Opunake High School, and is heading to Stratford High School in October.

"It has been great to have the high schools approaching WITT and asking us to be involved in events they are running," Samantha says.

"It allows us to showcase WITT on their own grounds and interact with a wide range of potential future ākonga."

Samantha is grateful for the WITT kaimahi who always put up their hands to attend these events.

 "The expos who not be possible without our passionate kaimahi who are always willing to take time out of their day to showcase their programmes in the hope of igniting a new passion in the community's young people."

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