Getting the conversation started

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Te Heru Māpara and Project Maunga have teamed up to run a series of events to give more than 120 rangatahi the opportunity to talk to leaders and training providers in the construction industry about their journey in trades and construction.

“The idea of the event was to provide an opportunity to spark interest and showcase the range of trades and training available in Taranaki, especially some of the lesser-known trades,” says WITT Te Pūkenga Work-based Learning Lead Katrina Mayo.

Taking a speed-dating approach, the Construction Kōrero events saw small groups of rangatahi circulate around various industry stations.

Rangatahi could be seen gathered around a forklift, trying their hand at scaffolding or seated in small groups chatting to industry representatives.

“We run these events for exposure - kids don't know what they don't know – so it’s really about broadening the horizons of our rangatahi, showcasing a diverse range of career options they may not have been aware of,” says Te Heru Māpara Kaiwhakahihiri Taiohi Hineakura Tokotaua.

The events have been hosted by Te Piipiinga Kakano Mai I Rangiatea Kura Kaupapa Maori, Waitara High School and Axiom training with more on the horizon for 2024.

Industry presenters include: Leighs Construction, Hanlon Plumbing, HEL Rimu, Offshore Plumbing Solutions, Methanex, Ringa Construction, Profound Group, Contego, Project Maunga Te Whatu Ora, Dialog Fitzroy.

They have also been supported by WITT Te Pūkenga, BCITO, EarnLearn and Connected.govt to show how to find a path for training in construction trades and the ever popular Te Waka kai food truck.

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more

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