BOP Regional Council upskills in Infrastructure Works

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Recent infrastructure works graduate Anaru Freeman said you’re never too old keep learning.  
An employee of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council for 18 years, Anaru has just finished his New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 3) alongside the rest of his team. 
The pump foreman said he has wanted to complete the programme for a few years and finally got the opportunity through the help of his supervisor and organisation. 
The infrastructure works programme is available through NZIHT, WITT’s School of Engineering, Energy and Infrastructure. 
It’s designed for people who have relevant knowledge and skills that can be applied to a range of infrastructure works processes, and graduates are able to work safely in a range of infrastructure works contexts.
It offers a 75-credit qualification delivered as a 12-month part time programme to enable students to learn while they are still working. Seven blocks are offered to students and they can either study in Auckland or at WITT in New Plymouth. 
It covers safe work practices, protection and services, quality assurance and records, soil, materials and asbestos, safe handling and loads, site operations to name a few.  
Perfect for Anaru, who found the course extremely valuable. 
“I learnt a whole range of things not only to do with roading but health and safety, plant maintenance as well as a long list of assignments that were incorporated in the course.” 
He said each assessment was very valuable and the way the course was conducted was good, but one aspect stood out. 
“The bridge building and team video would have been the highlight.”
With existing industry experience, Anaru said he has already gone on to apply the learnings in the workforce. 
“We have upped our game in the health and safety area as well as various tasks we apply in our day-to-day works.”
Anaru has one message that he says can relate to anyone who is studying:
Ehara te ako te mea nui ko te mea nui ko te whamau.
“The most important is not what you learn, but what you grasp.”
Pictured: Anaru and work colleagues receive their New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 3) qualifications.

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