This is a required comprehensive safety awareness course for all personnel in the road surfacing industry and is presented with the aid of practical examples and videos.
It is a pre-requisite for other advanced courses for those handling, operating, maintaining or working near bitumen equipment or supervising the use of bituminous materials.
This course will assist with compliance with individual and company health and safety responsibilities.
Who should attend
All personnel involved in any way with road surfacing, especially those working anywhere in contractor's depots and maintenance workshops, chipsealing and asphalt paving workers, as well as those managing or supervising road surfacing operations including local authority and consulting engineering personnel.
A separate course named “Bitumen – Managing the Risks” is designed for contractor managers and supervisors. This course covers due diligence management aspects of the above issues.
Changes for new learners
WITT and this programme are part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology .