International construction management student Jerin Reji, from Kochi in southern India, has been awarded a three-week internship on one of New Zealand’s largest construction projects – the New East Wing Building (NEWB) of the local hospital and the Taranaki Cancer Centre in New Plymouth. NEWB is a 20,000m2, six-story building that will house many of Taranaki Base Hospital’s acute services including ED and ICU.
The internship takes place over the summer break in the middle of gaining his New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Level 6).
“I am excited to take this opportunity to see the things I have been taught in class in a real-world site and learn from the Project Maunga professionals, as they have great experience working all over the country. I am sure that I will be able to learn a lot from them which I believe I will not be able to learn from my classwork alone,” he says.
Like any other job vacancy, Jerin went through a robust application process including a written application, CV and interview outlining what he wanted to get out of the internship and what he had to offer the team.
“Jerin is an exemplary student who successfully secured an internship on the second largest construction project in New Zealand,” says WITT Director of Trades Training Primary and Creative Industries Daniel Fuemana.
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