Plenty on offer at the Careers Expo

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WITT kaimahi were excited to get back to the Taranaki Careers and Training Expo earlier this week (Sunday 14 – Monday 15 August) to showcase their programmes of study after a two-year-long sabbatical due to Covid-19.

“The expo is a great opportunity to show the range of study options available at WITT and really showcase the hands-on, practical learning we provide – from our hospitality and hair and beauty programmes through to scaffolding and engineering, we had plenty of equipment at the event and interactive displays across our 20 stands to engage learners,” says WITT Marketing and Events Coordinator Samantha Legge.

 This year the expo also featured a range of local employers so young people and their families could make connections with employers and see the pathway from education to employment.

Michelle who is the Vocational Pathways Coordinator at Waitara High School said that the Careers Expo is a great opportunity to spark ideas and put opportunities in front of her students.

“The careers expo gives students an opportunity to see everything that is available and showcase our own tertiary education provider in Taranaki.”

Michelle recognises that WITT’s involvement in the expo is invaluable for students. 

“I see a lot of students who want to continue to  study but are nervous about leaving Taranaki or cannot afford to live away from home. WITT opens the door to these students and gives them an opportunity to connect with their future right here in the Taranaki region,” she said.

Casey Hayes, Taranaki Diocesan Head Girl felt the same way about the expo.

“The expo shows that there really is something out there for everyone no matter what they are interested in.”

“The Careers Expo is 100% worth attending, whether you know what you want to do or not. Plus, no matter what you come out with free stuff at the end,” she said.

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