Off campus talk for tutor

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A tutor on the post-graduate business degree, Carol is also a popular speaker and trainer off campus. She’s using her most recent research around successful management during COVID-19 as the basis for a presentation at Taranaki Chamber of Commerce 9am Thursday 29 June.

“The research and subsequent presentation is centred around successful early day responses of some of New Zealand’s small business operators and what we can learn from that and apply in our businesses today to be resilient, agile and successful,” she says.

Carol has enjoyed two spells at WITT Te Pūkenga, the first from 2003-2007 as a Group Leader, then from 2013 when she returned to teach the Bachelor of Applied Management and also took on a Head of Faculty role during this period. Currently she teaches business management in under graduate and post graduate programmes.

“One of the biggest strengths of WITT tutors is the regional intel they bring to their teaching – we know what the region needs.”

In between her time at WITT was a period teaching at New Plymouth Girls’ High.     

“I enjoy education - tertiary is where I can combine my experience as a business person, my love of research and the actual teaching and mentoring of others.”

Carol says her personal mantra is to make the education journey accessible and achievable.

“I have witnessed the personal growth and transformation that comes from accessible and successful education. I believe the key to achieving this lies in teaching with passion and purpose.”

Carol completed a Master’s in Education in 2000 and followed up with a Master’s in Business (Economic Analysis) in 2011.

Outside of teaching, Carol has a successful Air B’n’B business, which in 2016 took her to Los Angeles to present on building cross cultural connections.

Australian born, Carol grew up in Melbourne and moved to New Zealand in 2003 with her late husband Brian, who was born in Taranaki.

“New Plymouth is a region that exceeds the expectations of visitors. As the attractiveness of provisional living grows, it is timely to start rethinking what we can offer as a desirable place to live. There are many business opportunities to be realised in this space,” says Carol.

To reserve a spot in Carol’s Chamber of Commerce presentation visit the Chamber's website.

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more

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Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

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