New Kararahi and Deputy CE Appointed

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Allie Hemara-Wahanui, of Ngāruahine, Taranaki, Ngāti Maniapoto iwi, has been appointed to the Deputy Chief Executive/Kaiārahi role at Te Kura Mataini o Taranaki (WITT).


Introducing Allie

Karanga, karanga ki a Ranginui e tū iho nei.  Karanga, karanga ki a Papa e takoto ake nei

Ka puta te kōrero, ka puta te wānanga ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama.  Hui e tāiki ē.

As Deputy Chief Executive and Kaiārahi, Allie Hemara-Wahanui will play a critical role at WITT, building relationships and whanaungatanga and acting as a trusted advisor both within the organisation and out in Taranaki communities. According to, a kaiārahi is a guide, escort, conductor, leader or mentor.

"The purpose of my role is to support the Chief Executive to ensure WITT successfully delivers on its purpose, and is especially successful for ākonga Māori," Allie said.

Recently Allie was the Pouhautū (General Manager) for Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust. Prior to that she held positiions as General Manager Shareholder Engagements for Parininihi ki Waitotara and the inaugural Iwi Liaison Advisor for the South Taranaki District Council.  She also managed contracts for the Māori Language Commission and Te Puni Kokiri. 

"I have worked in Iwi and Māori development for over 30 years and I bring with me insights about this sector, specifically Taranaki."

Allie says she is looking forward to being part of an organisation that is, by definition, an agent of change.

"The Taranaki landscape is changing," she says. "Taranaki iwi have settled their historical treaty claims with the Crown and they are developing and implementing strategies that will grow their assets and invest in the wellbeing of uri.  Iwi have a strong sense of community and their initiatives will benefit the wider community as well."

Allie points to the transition to a low emissions future, increased Māori participation in civic leadership and COVID-19 as other changes that continue to challenge how organisations operate and engage with their communities.

"The government are prepared to centralise health and vocational education and training to achieve equitable outcomes for Māori and Pacifica people.  That sends a clear message that the current regime is falling short and new solutions are required.

"As the tertiary institute for Taranaki, WITT has a front-row seat to understand the changing landscape so its offerings can help grow the region's capability.  Joining WITT allows me to be part of a regional conversation about how this will happen." 

Chief Executive John Snook says he is looking forward to seeing the impact Allie will make in the new role.

"Allie will guide us in mātauranga Māori, helping to make sure we better meet the needs of Māori learners, their whānau, hapū and iwi," he said.

"She will lead our efforts in meeting and re-evaluating our Te Pae Tawhiti action plan, lifting our capability as an organisation to be an authentic and responsible Tiriti partner."

Allie's other relevant experience includes working for the Education & Training Support Agency (the predecessor for the Tertiary Education Commission); and as the Marketing and Contracts Manager for a national Private Training Establishment.

"Over the years I've developed a management style so all parties benefit by working together.  In fact, relationships with tangata whenua and equity have been the constant challenges for every organisation I've worked for." 

Allie starts at Te Kura Matatini o Taranaki on Monday 31 May.

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