New Energy Courses under development at WITT

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Taranaki is experiencing the development of alternative energy industries and usages that have the potential to create a range of new career pathways that WITT is preparing to support.

WITT is positively connected to many industries which will lead the transition, enabling their curriculum to maintain a level of relevance and responsiveness to those industry needs, which many other academic and vocational institutions struggle to have.

Some of the areas that are anticipated to emerge include electric vehicles; hydrogen fuel technology; renewable generation technologies, particularly wind, solar, geothermal, wave and tidal.

WITT will support the energy industry by training work-ready graduates who are skilled in the WITT latest technologies.

WITT is building relationships beyond the region to support quality workforce education with a focus on teaching, learning and research. Some of those relationships include Victoria University and the University of Canterbury, both who have world-class engineering, energy and research capability.

Supporting Taranaki’s existing and future energy workforce will rely on the development of a high-quality curriculum design.

Forming a consortium with expert representation from the energy sector, other tertiary colleges, Taranaki’s District and Regional councils will help lay the foundation to support Taranaki’s future economic prosperity.

In 2018, MBIE estimated that the ban on oil and gas exploration permits would remove over 3,000 jobs. That will likely happen if we do nothing. But in doing something today we can change our future positively.

WITT’s determination to assist workforce transition is very much part of Taranaki’s economic plan for the future.

WITT has established an Energy Education newsletter that will be delivered monthly to all subscribers.  If you would like to join, email and click here to read our September edition.

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