Language revitalisation in Taranaki - our tutors passion!

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E te iti, e te rahi, te katoa
Tēnā koutou!

He uri whakaheke tēnei nō ngā wai koropupū i heke iho ai i Te Mounga Tītōhea. E kore au e taea, he uri nō Ngāti Mutunga, nō Ngāti Tama angeau. Karanga mai! Karanga mai! Karanga mai!

As a child born into the Kōhanga Reo Language Revitalisation Movement of the 1980’s, I am a firm believer that raising our children with education, Mātauranga Māori values, teachings and local language is the key to building a solid identity and strengthens wellbeing.  

As a former Secondary School Teacher, I am passionate about te ao Māori, education and enhancing biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand and in particular Taranaki. I enjoy supporting organisations, community groups and its’ leaders to be more culturally responsive to the cultural needs of iwi, hapū, whānau and to the partners of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

My knowledge of Mātauranga Māori has been further enhanced through studies at Te Wānanga o Raukawa where I gained a Masters, which was delivered and written entirely in Te Reo Māori. Constant and consistent personal development is a priority and focus of mine. I am a keen learner, and enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills with people. I am dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of Māori culture and language to non-Māori, and Māori alike as a vehicle for change.

I am a former student of Te Reo o Taranaki, and The Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki. Here at WITT, I completed a Certificate of Taranaki Oral Language – Pōkaitahi Kāpunipuni Reo. My vision is to increase the use of reo across the organisation, the community and to continue the legacy of those who have laid the path for language revitalisation in Taranaki.  I see our role here at WITT as enablers who support others to build pathways and in the case of our Māori Enterprise Team, we build capabilities in Te Ao Māori with a local Taranaki focus. We want to re-build relationships with our iwi, hapū, whānau and partners of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Nāku iti nei,

Te Amoroa 

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