Taranaki High School students get a taster of what's on offer

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Decorating biscuits, changing a tire, creating art, or learning to curl hair. These were just some of the activities that were run on WITT’s High School Open day held on Friday (17 June).

A total of 200 students from a range of high schools around the Taranaki region got a taste of what WITT offers with a half-day event designed specifically for them.

WITT’s Marketing and Events Coordinator Samantha Legge, said each year she looks forward to welcoming the students onto campus to showcase the options WITT has to support their career journey.

 “WITT is constantly expanding and growing the programmes that are available. It is great for the high school students to be able to come in and get a taster of all the different options.”

The High School Open Day is an opportunity for WITT to educate the students about what’s available, as well as other opportunities such as the School Leaver’s Scholarships or the new university pathways.

“This year, it was exciting to tell the students about another opportunity that includes our new university pathways, with the University of Canterbury and Victoria University. It’s exciting to let them know about all their options, to help them make their career decisions.” she said.

The university pathways are great for students who want to gain a university qualification but are not ready to leave home or want to save a little extra money before they go

The Open Day started with a welcome, karakia and waiata in Te Kauta Café then the students were taken to the first workshop they had chosen. Every thirty minutes, the students would rotate, so by the end of the day, they got to experience at least three of the 17 workshops.

The day finished with lots of smiles and yummy kai and was a success, despite the persistent rain.

WITT will be holding their public open day on the 12th of November.

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