Convenient accommodation now an option for students.

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Onsite, fully furnished accommodation is now an option for WITT students. A new partnership with Te Henui Lodge in 2022 is making accommodation even more accessible. In 2022 Te Henui Lodge will accommodate our students in a dedicated block (B Block). WITT will partially subsidise the costs of the fully furnished rooms.

“We’re pleased to be able to offer affordable, convenient accommodation on-site for our ākonga and with everything provided, students can just walk-in,” says WITT CE John Snook.

Through WITT's Student Success Team, pastoral support is now going to be available to these students.

Jas Singh is the business developer of Te Henui Lodge. When asked what his role was at the lodge he was quick to answer saying, “I’m the daddy of the lodge, I’m whatever our residents need me to be.”

“My job allows me to be a babysitter, a counsellor, a friend or a teacher. At the lodge, we try and cater to everyone's personal needs to create a happy and safe environment for all,” he said. Jaz has been working at Te Henui Lodge for eight years. In his experience, he has always had a good relationship with WITT.

 “WITT has a great reputation around the region and I have learned so much from the students who have come to stay at the lodge. We see a broad range of ethnicities and people from all walks of life, including tutors,” he said.

For Jas he does his job because he loves it. “Every day is a new challenge, the first few years when I started here were particularly challenging. I had to put my prior experience into the business alongside the owners to make Te Henui Lodge a safe and fun place for all.”

The sense of community at Te Henui Lodge is one of the many selling points for students. Other advantages include being central, close to supermarkets, a two-minute walk to WITT facilities such as Te Whare Māutauranga (library) and the Fitness Factory Gym and having Charlie, a  miniature schnauzer in residence.

Find out more about Te Henui Lodge here

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