WITT graduate and tutor make the perfect team

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WITT hospitality tutor Sunil Kassote has coached WITT graduate Tony Joseph to bodybuilding success in his first year of professional competitions.

Moving to Taranaki from India in 2019, Tony Joseph began studying the Diploma in Professional Cookery (Level 5) at WITT where he was introduced to hospitality tutor Sunil.

“I moved to New Zealand to learn more about the culture, culinary arts, and support my family back home,” says Tony.

Sunil who has a background in fitness and powerlifting supported Tony throughout his time studying at WITT Te Pūeknga and after he graduated encouraged him to start training and bodybuilding to help him through difficult times.

“Sunil motivated me through some struggles and explained that my struggles were short-term and that I needed to focus on the bigger picture,” Tony says.

Breaking down the elements of bodybuilding and planning his nutrition Tony describes Sunil as the perfect first-time coach.

In October Sunil and Tony travelled to Australia to compete in the Australian Bodybuilding Federation Pro-am titles. The team took home the title of Australian Men’s Classic Physique Rookie and placed second in the bodybuilding.

 “I have been Tony’s mentor, father figure, and elder brother,” says Sunil.

When away in Australia Sunil received feedback from coaches and athletes who were amazed that it was Tony’s first year competing.

“Everyone was blown away by his conditioning and how he dealt with the pressure on stage. If Tony keeps doing what he’s doing imagine what he’ll be like in 2025,” Sunil says.

 “I went home from the competition very satisfied. This is my calling, I’m a tutor and a coach.”

What’s next for Tony and Sunil?

Sunil’s vision is to help people have a good relationship with food and general well-being. He’s on a journey to educate himself more about fitness and well-being and continue sharing his knowledge.

Meanwhile, Tony is taking a well-deserved break and is going back to India for the first time since arriving in New Zealand in 2019. After this, he will continue building and training.

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